Debugging Pyramid +++++++++++++++++ This tutorial provides a brief introduction to using the python debugger (``pdb``) for debugging pyramid applications. This scenario assume you've created a Pyramid project already. The scenario assumes you've created a Pyramid project named ``buggy`` using the ``alchemy`` scaffold. Introducing PDB --------------- - This single line of python is your new friend:: import pdb; pdb.set_trace() - As valid python, that can be inserted practically anywhere in a Python source file. When the python interpreter hits it - execution will be suspended providing you with interactive control from the parent TTY. PDB Commands ------------ - pdb exposes a number of standard interactive debugging commands, including:: Documented commands (type help ): ======================================== EOF bt cont enable jump pp run unt a c continue exit l q s until alias cl d h list quit step up args clear debug help n r tbreak w b commands disable ignore next restart u whatis break condition down j p return unalias where Miscellaneous help topics: ========================== exec pdb Undocumented commands: ====================== retval rv Debugging Our ``buggy`` App --------------------------- - Back to our demo ``buggy`` application we generated from the ``alchemy`` scaffold, lets see if we can learn anything debugging it. - The traversal documentation describes how pyramid first acquires a root object, and then descends the resource tree using the ``__getitem__`` for each respective resource. Huh? ---- - Let's drop a pdb statement into our root factory object's ``__getitem__`` method and have a look. Edit the project's ```` and add the aforementioned ``pdb`` line in ``MyModel.__getitem__``:: def __getitem__(self, key): import pdb; pdb.set_trace() session = DBSession() # ... - Restart the Pyramid application, and request a page. Note the request requires a path to hit our break-point:: http://localhost:6543/ <- misses the break-point, no traversal http://localhost:6543/1 <- should find an object http://localhost:6543/2 <- does not - For a very simple case, attempt to insert a missing key by default. Set item to a valid new MyModel in ``MyRoot.__getitem__`` if a match isn't found in the database:: item = session.query(MyModel).get(id) if item is None: item = MyModel(name='test %d'%id, value=str(id)) # naive insertion - Move the break-point within the if clause to avoid the false positive hits:: if item is None: import pdb; pdb.set_trace() item = MyModel(name='test %d'%id, value=str(id)) # naive insertion - Run again, note multiple request to the same id continue to create new MyModel instances. That's not right! - Ah, of course, we forgot to add the new item to the session. Another line added to our ``__getitem__`` method:: if item is None: import pdb; pdb.set_trace() item = MyModel(name='test %d'%id, value=str(id)) session.add(item) - Restart and test. Observe the stack; debug again. Examine the item returning from MyModel:: (pdb) session.query(MyModel).get(id) - Finally, we realize the needs to be set as well before adding:: if item is None: item = MyModel(name='test %d'%id, value=str(id)) = id session.add(item) - Many great resources can be found describing the details of using pdb. Try the interactive ``help`` (hit 'h') or a search engine near you. .. note:: There is a well known bug in ``PDB`` in UNIX, when user cannot see what he is typing in terminal window after any interruption during ``PDB`` session (it can be caused by ``CTRL-C`` or when the server restarts automatically). This can be fixed by launching any of this commands in broken terminal: ``reset``, ``stty sane``. Also one can add one of this commands into ``~/.pdbrc`` file, so they will be launched before ``PDB`` session:: from subprocess import Popen Popen(["stty", "sane"])